We teamed up with Eco Tours for an adventure of a lifetime to see the Lamanai Mayan Ruins.  While our cruise ship was docked in Belize City we hopped into a small van and drove to the Orange District where we met our guide.  In the video I know it seams that I spend a lot of time focusing on the river.  The river trip is half of the adventure itself.  Although the ruins are way cooler, you spend about 2 hours (it seems) on the river.  Once you get to the large fresh water lake they dock the boat and the tour begins.  We spent hours walking around, talking about the Mayans and their temples.  We discussed their ball courts, rituals, and lifestyle.  This ruins is actually only a tiny portion that has been uncovered.  Belize doesn’t have the funds to uncover the 10 square miles of ruins at Lamanai.  Many Mayan ruins have too many visitors and they’ve prohibited climbing.  At Lamanai, you can climb up the temples.  It’s amazing to consider their age and the sacrifice to create them.

After the tour they provided lunch and we headed back.  At first I was worried to take the tour without the cruise line.  At the time of our visit, no cruise lines had organized tours to Lamanai.  However, we had plenty of time and our guide had a cell phone, and Eco Tours had spare fast boats to get us back to the cruise terminal.  We had time to spare.
